Domiciliary Care
SAP Care is the perfect solution for people over 65 that need support whilst remaining in the comfort of their own home. This is the best alternative to Care Homes and has been preferred by a wide range of people. We have a range of Care Packages, to suit each individual need. Our Services are centred on helping seniors to get through the recovery period after hospitalisation, support for difficulties that come with old age or a full time permanent arrangement.
Our Services range from 30 minutes to 24-hour live-in care. Bookings can be variable from daily to a few times a week and multiples calls per day. We promote continuity by familiarising same carers to the same clients.
Before we take you on as a client, our Care Coordinator will pay you a visit to carry out a free assessment to design a Personalised Care Plan that specifically answers to your needs. A Care Plan is a customised comprehensive plan to meet your physiological, safety, physical and social needs. This will enable us to match you with the right carer and come up with a workable home care plan to give you a personalised experience.
Personal Care
Our Personal Care Services are design to support you with day to day living without impacting your independence within the comfort of your own home. Our service will include assisting with your bed routine, washing, dressing, meal time, hair care, medication administration and various household tasks. This service can be provided at various times depending on your needs. We can have up to four calls per day.
For example, our four times package will mean, a carer can come in the morning for 1 hour to get you out of bed, wash and dress you and provide your morning meal. They will then come back for a lunch time call to prepare your lunch meals, coming back again for the third time at tea time. The fourth visit of the day will be to get you into bed. All our care packaged are designed to suit your specific needs.
Respite Care
We can provide a carer to allow your primary carer or a loved one who is currently caring for you to take breaks. We understand from time to time, your loved one may wish to take a break but you can’t be left alone therefore we have a care package designed to provide cover. Our carers are well trained to enable you to stick to your usual routine even when your loved one is not around.
This care package can have various times from short term to longer term cover. For example, we can provide a carer to come in for two hours whilst your loved one goes shopping or takes a break, go to church or even a social gathering with friends.
Live-in Care
We can provide you with a carer who can live with you 24/7 to provide you with flexibility in your home. Flexibility will allow you to continue to live your preferred lifestyle, person centred help to which you can call up on your carer anytime you want. Your carer can assist you with housekeeping, cleaning, laundry, shopping, cooking nutritional food and keeping you company. Live care packages are specifically useful if you require regular support, are prone to falling with no one around, unable to get out of bed or clients with complex illness such as dementia. We can also provide a live-n care package if your day to day carer is taking a break to go on holiday for some days.
A live-in care package is well suited for continuity. This means, you will only have a few carers allocated to you so you can always be surrounded by familiar faces. For example, we can allocate two carers who can take turns on a weekly or fortnightly rotation. The rotation will allow your carers to take a rest and will help with you obtaining high quality care.
Complex Care
We understand living with a long-term illness can be extremely challenging hence we have various packages specifically designed for complex conditions. Our carers are well trained on how to work with clients with serious conditions and assists with improving the quality of life. These care packages are specifically designed with the patient the loved ones in mind.
Our complex care package will suit someone suffering from a degenerative condition which requires long term support, someone with physical or mental disabilities or someone who’s recently returned home from hospital wards such as intensive care.
Social and leisure activity
We understand from time to time there maybe various social activities you may need to attend even if your current condition doesn’t allow. We can provide you with a carer who can take you out so you can go and enjoy your social events so you will no longer miss out on birthdays, weddings and even spending time with old friends.
How it works?
Regardless of the type of care you require, our experience Care Manager or Care Co-ordinator will arrange a home visit to assess and gain a better understanding of yours needs to enable them to create a suitable Care Package for you.
A tailored Care Plan will be created for you, ensuring that all your needs will be met when we provide services to you. Within the Care Package, we will include the Identified need, the aim of the care plan and the plan of care for our carers to follow each visit. This ensure that, our carers won’t miss anything and will be able to give you the best possible care on each visit.
All our Carers are specifically recruited and trained to provide the best possible care, to respect and ensure independence for our clients.
Unhappy with your current Care provider?
We have been contacted by many people who have been unhappy with their provider due to various reasons including, Carers not turning up to calls on time and lack of continuity with carers. We work hard to make sure SAP Care’s reputation remains intact and have testimonials to prove this. Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you with an improved service.